An anonymous writer wrote: Imagine
life as a game in which you are juggling five balls in the air. You name them: work,
family, health, friends, and faith, and you’re keeping them all in the
air. You will soon understand that work
is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it
will bounce back. But the other four
balls – family, health, friends, and
faith – are made of glass. If you
drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged,
or even shattered. They will never be
the same.
Weeks ago we started a series on
juggling the 5 balls of life, but due to a broken computer screen that was just replaced, I was unable to continue the series on a weekly basis. So now, I will try to play catchup.
With that being said, God shows us in Luke 14 that faith has
to be the #1 ball – it is the most fragile making it the most important. Jesus showed us that faith must be #1 in
our lives because it will keep us from dropping the other four.
In fact, focusing on faith first helps
us to truly prioritize the other 4 – keeping all the balls balanced and in the
air. Focusing on faith helps us to understand
what God is looking to see in the other four.
So all we have to do is look at Creation
to see what God deems most important.
First He created humankind in His image
to have relationship with them. He didn’t just create them and leave
them to their own. He came into their presence to commune
with them. He created them for faith.
“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as He was
walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from Him the Lord
God among the trees of the garden. But
the Lord God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’” Genesis 3: 8-9
Second He created male and female to
have relationship with one another. Family was ordained by God from the
beginning of time.
“But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a
deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed
up the place with flesh. Then the Lord
God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her
to the man. The man said, ‘This is now
bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman’ for she was
taken out of man.’ For this reason a man
will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will
become one flesh. The man and his wife
were both naked, and they felt no shame.” Genesis 2: 20-25
God has laid out the dynamics of family
– man can define it however he chooses, but
God has made it clear through the scripture I just shared the true
definition. But today we’re not going to delve
into what makes a family. We know that family takes on many
different forms in this cursed world. Rather we will be seeing how faith, if
treated as the #1 ball, helps make family into what God desires.
And whether single or married, young or old,
scripture always provides us with principles that can be applied to our lives.
Paul's teaching on family in Ephesians 5: 22 – 6: 4 is often taken out of context. And when taken out of context you see
where the curse of sin is involved.
“To the woman He said, ‘I will greatly increase your pains in
childbearing; with pain you will give birth to your children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he
will rule over you.’” Genesis 3: 16
So on one hand, you have some
self-righteous pious men who believe a woman’s sole role is to submit to their
authority – that God ordained that they rule over their wives. So they latch onto verses 22-24 in Ephesians 5. They use it to keep women in their
And yet, on the other hand, you have
self-righteous irreverent women who believe that men have no headship over them
– that women are equal to and even far superior than their male counterparts. They too latch onto verses 22-24 in Ephesians 5, but to
fight against it – to disprove what was written and to live solely for their
desires – to defeat the curse.
Yet faith, understanding God in the Big
Picture, understanding God in context, shows us what God truly desires for the
family. God didn’t desire the curse. Man chose it through our
disobedience. And so what God is asking His children
to do in the face of the curse is to be family the way he destined it to be and
live according to the principles He has outlined for all sexes.
So God’s Big Idea for us is this:
True Family = Done God’s Way.
In other words, if you want true family,
then you got to do it God’s way. And if
you do things God’s way, you’ll get true family. If you want true family, you have to
have faith to understand what God is looking for and then do it His way.
You see, the outline of what God had Paul write to the Church – to
the believers in Ephesus - was: Wives submit to your husbands, Husbands love your wives, and Children obey your parents. But really, it was so much more than
God puts a “Why” – a reason for doing
what He’s asking you to do. God gives a “Why” because if we will
follow His way we will see the fruit of His reward – a family that beats the
odds stacked against it in this cursed world.
Now before jumping into the “whys”, I
want to make these disclaimers: The word submission is only bad because
man has made it bad. What God established in the beginning
was good, and humankind has made a debacle of what true family should look
like. And submission applies to more than just
Now, why should wives submit to their husbands?
Everything has an order.
God is saying, “As you submit unto your husbands, you submit unto me. I am God the Father, Head of all. Jesus, the Son, submits unto Me and does what
I want Him to do. The Holy Spirit
submits unto Me, as well as Jesus, doing what We want Him to do. The Church is under the submission of Christ
who is the Head of the Church. And the
husband, who is the head of the household, is under the submission of Christ. Therefore, the wife should submit to the
husband as this is the order I established.”
Submission has its rewards
When a wife submits to her husband she is fulfilling
God’s plan and will receive His favor. Not only will she find her joy in the
Lord for doing what God desires. She will also find the favor of her
husband who feels lifted up and needed because his wife trusts him to lead. When a man feels respected and honored
by his wife, he will do anything for her. If she will submit to her husband’s
lead, she will be more empowered within the household than the woman who fights
her husband to gain that power and equality.
Now why should husbands love their wives?
Christ sets the example
If a husband is a Follower of Christ, he is under the headship
of Christ, meaning he is to submit to Christ. And because Christ so loved the Church
and gave Himself up for her, caring for and meeting her needs daily, husbands
are to do the same for their wives.
Love has its rewards
When a husband loves, cares for, meets the needs of
his wife, holding no authority over her head, his wife will love him fully and
will willingly fall under his headship and submit to his leading. His wife will trust him because he is
doing everything he can to make sure she feels like an equal – which he would
die for her if need be.
Now, why should children obey their parents?
It is a commandment with a promise
If children will obey their parents, they will be
blessed and enjoy a long life on earth. This is the promise given. God established this commandment as one
of the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mt. Sinai. In order for order to happen in a home,
within a society, children must obey their parents.
Obedience has its rewards
If children will obey their parents, it means they
will be trusted by their parents. And the more parents trust their
children, the more freedom parents will give to their children. So God makes it clear: Obey = Freedom. If children fulfill their natural desire
to live for self, they find their freedoms becoming less and less with each
disobedient act.
If more families were to live as God has
directed – were to place their priority on its’ importance and doing it God’s
way – we would see families growing in love and connection with one
another. More importantly we would see families
growing stronger in their relationship with God who created family.
So in conclusion, to keep the balls of life in
the air, we’re beginning to see how interconnected they really are. But the balls of faith and family are
rather similar in that God established that if both are to work, He must be
Juggling the balls of faith and family
can and must be done. But they must be done according to God’s
Faith is the #1 Ball. If it isn’t, all other balls will fall
to the ground. But if it is, then family will become
#2. And the other 3 will fall into line with
these two.
So the question to conclude today’s
message is: Are you doing family the way
God wants it done? Are children obeying their parents? Are adults loving and submitting their
wills to Christ, who in turn is calling them to love and submit to others, especially their spouses?
If not, start. You won’t be disappointed by the results –
the results will come from God.
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