Monday, April 15, 2013

Balls of Priority - Faith

Ever had to make a choice – a choice you knew would bring negative consequences – a choice that would cost you, whichever path you took?

Let me share a couple stories to set the mood for the start of a Sermon Series God has given me for the next month.

But before I share the first story, a deer hunting story, please see the humor in it.  I know I can because I am a deer hunter.  Though I’ve never had to make this choice, I understand the choice completely.

A group of friends were deer hunting.  They separated into pairs.  That night, one hunter returned alone, staggering under a large eight-point buck.  The other hunters asked, “Where’s Harry?”  The lone hunter replied, “Harry fainted a couple miles up the trail.”  The others couldn’t believe it.  “You mean you left him lying there and carried the deer back instead?”  The man answered, “It was a tough call, but I figured no one was going to steal Harry.”

To this deer hunter it was simply a matter of priorities.  And one of the secrets in life is to have your priorities in order.

The second story is a true story of a professional football player.

In the late 1980’s and early 90’s, Chris Spielman was an awesome linebacker for the Detroit Lions and the Buffalo Bills.  Football was his passion, or so everyone thought.  But in 1994, Chris gladly gave up football when his wife, Stefanie, was diagnosed with cancer.  He moved into his wife’s hospital room and waited on her hand and foot.  He ate only what she ate, only slept when she slept.  When Stefanie lost her hair to chemotherapy, Chris shaved his head.  He became the primary caretaker for their two children.  And Chris has no regrets about giving up his career.  As he says, “This is my family.  This is my responsibility.  This is my duty.”

Both stories required a decision.  One story probably cost the man many of his friends, especially the one left behind, but it gained him a trophy mount on the wall.  The other cost him fame, fortune, and a career he loved, but it gained him love – love from a spouse and family that cannot be broken in any trial.

Well this is what Jesus wants us to look at over the next five Sundays:  What balls are you juggling?  And what happens if you place too much or not enough focus on one of the balls?

So let’s define these balls with another story.

Some anonymous writer put it like this:  Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling five balls in the air.  You name them:   work, family, health, friends, and faith, and you’re keeping them all in the air.  You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball.  If you drop it, it will bounce back.  But the other four balls – family, health, friends, and faith – are made of glass.  If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged, or even shattered.  They will never be the same.

Jesus says in Luke 14: 7-24, Prioritize the Balls of Life.

How do I get that from the parables we just read?  

Jesus taught that if a person wants to be exhalted, he/she must first be humble.  “Don’t take the seat at the head of the table.  Take the seat where the servants sit, and then when you’re asked to take the seat at the head, you will be honored.

Jesus taught that if a person wants to be blessed, he/she is to reach out to those who cannot repay the good deed.  “When you have a banquet, have one for those who are poor; for those who are strangers; for those who won’t honor you with an invitation to their party.  Give expecting nothing in return.”

Jesus taught that if a person wants to participate in the eternal banquet being prepared, he/she better prioritize – he/she better quit making everything else more important than faith.  “Enough with the excuses.  Property, family, work, fun, whatever it may be, cannot take preference over Me.  You will miss out if they do.”

And so Jesus teaches clearly through all three parables that life is about choices, and we must get our priorities straight before we can make the choices He desires we make.

Though all five balls of life are important and must be balanced in order for the balls to remain in the air, the most fragile and the most important ball is the ball of faith.  Without it being the #1 ball, our focus will waiver and we will drop the other balls – even if we think we are the greatest juggler in the world.

And the best way to focus on all the balls equally is to concentrate on the most important one, faith.  

Concentrating on faith helps us to see:  that we need to work hard at our jobs, that our bodies are the temple of God and need to be cared for, that strength comes through our friendships, and that we are to genuinely love our families and care for them.

But if we place our concentration on something other than God, something other than the #1 ball, we’re asking for conflict and trouble.

Pastor James W. Moore tells the story of a church member who came to his study one day.  The pastor could see that the man look deeply troubled.

The man said “Pastor, I need to talk.  I am so empty – so dried up inside – I’m scared.”  His voice began to quiver just a bit.  He said “Pastor, I have just come from the doctor’s office – and he told me that I only have six months at best to live.  After I left his office I realized that I have no spiritual resources, no inner strength to cope with this.   There is nothing to fall back on, to lean against.  Many people would be surprised to hear me say that, for I have made lots of money, and people think I am a success not only at making money but at being a strong powerful person.”

He then fell quiet, and the pastor waited in silence for him to go on.  Finally the man said, “You know I’m poor in the things that count the most.  I see it now.  I’ve put my faith in the wrong things, and the truth is I’m destitute, spiritually destitute.  I could pick up the phone and call any bank in Houston and borrow any amount of money to do whatever I want to do.  Just on my name, Reverend, just on my name!  Do you understand?  I could borrow it on my name only.”

The man leaned forward and put his head in his hands, and said softly through tears, “I guess there are some things you can’t buy or borrow.”

There are some things you just can’t buy or borrow.  Family, friends, health, and faith – those glass balls.

But even if this man were to have to have poured himself into his family, his friends, and his health, he would still have been spiritually destitute.

There are 3 other glass balls, but you better prioritize them according to the #1 ball – FAITH.

Why?  Because the Faith ball provides a God who is teaches you how to live eternally in a finite world; the Faith ball provides a God who teaches you how to live heavenly in an immoral world.

And yet we even have to be careful with the Faith ball, and this is a catch 22, because if our focus is extremely on religion and duty, building something in our own strength, and not on what faith teaches us about the other balls, we will certainly drop the other four.

This is why you are seeing and hearing of so many moral failures that are sexual within the church, why 50% of marriages among those claiming Christ as Savior are ending in divorce, why money is embezzled and misused by some within the church, why those working in the church are burning the midnight oil to make ministry happen, why……….

The Faith ball must not be all about doing.  The Faith ball must focus on Jesus – literally sitting at His feet and taking in His every word.

God wants faith to be the #1 priority, the #1 ball in juggling the 5 balls of life.  But He also wants us to know that focusing too much on one ball, or two, will cause us to lose track of the others, thus causing them to fall to the ground and possibly be shattered.

Faith must be the #1 ball.   Is it in your life?  Are you making excuses why everything else in life takes precedence over faith?  

Jesus says "Put Me first and all the others will fall into place."  I don't know about you, but that's what I want. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Incredibles Gospel Story - A Super's Love

Over the past few weeks we have looked at the animation movie, The Incredibles, to find relevant spiritual messages that apply to us today.  

We have learned that even though Super Heroes have secret ID’s, none of us can hide anything from God.  He knows exactly who we are, even our innermost secrets.  

We have learned that just as the Super Heroes became frustrated because the world never stays saved, God experiences the same emotion when His creation continues to rebel against Him.  Thank God He is patient with us and gives us many chances.  

We have learned that we need to be careful not to buy into the lie:  “I still got time!”  Even though Mr. Incredible said it three times and was late to his wedding, he still was able to get married.  But if we aren’t spiritually ready for Christ’s return to fetch His Bride, the Church, we won’t be allowed into the wedding banquet.  Once He returns, it’s too late to make things right.  

And we have also learned that Jesus went from being a Super to a Villain.   In less than a week on His return to Jerusalem, the people of His day changed their tune about who He was because they didn’t trust the Real Jesus.  The Real Jesus came to establish His Kingdom in Heaven, not on earth.  The Real Jesus lives and works within the hearts of those who do trust Him.

So today we want to look at what God feels is the most important characteristic about Him – He wants us to see the side of Him that makes Him different than any other god out there.

Just as the Super’s came back to protect and defeat the evil robot because that’s what they were created to do, and more importantly, loved to do, God came back to protect and defeat the evil that haunts us.

And if there is one thing God wants us to see about Him, it is a side to Him that should draw us closer to Him – should have us applauding Him.

Luke 15: 11-31 shows us that side.

There are many different avenues that I could take on this parable, but I want to focus on one.  

I don’t want to look exclusively at the mistakes of the Prodigal Son.  We all have squandered away the physical and spiritual talents that God has purposed for us to use for building His Kingdom.

I don’t want to look at the attitude of the brother.  We all have a tendency to become jealous and claim, “That’s not fair!” especially when someone else is getting all the glory and credit for something we have done.

What I want to focus on is the Father’s reaction to his son’s return.  "But while he (the son) was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."  

Even though the son had squandered away everything that his father had given him, even though the son had wasted the years of prosperity that the father had worked long and hard to achieve, even though the son had made many immoral decisions, the father longed for his son’s return.  He longed for the day he would see his son again.

The father knew that the son had a change of heart, and had forgiven him before he ever spoke a word.

He knew that his son was truly sorry for the mess he had made of his life.  He knew his son was repentant and wanted to start a new life.

How did he know this?  He knew this because his son came back.

Then his son spoke – "Father I have sinned against heaven and against you.  I am no longer worthy to be called your son."

He didn’t make excuses for his behavior.  He didn’t justify his actions or blame anyone for his mistakes.  He humbly said, “Dad, I messed up, and I’m willing to accept what you want me to do.”

The misconception of a prodigal is that he/she is someone who is a black sheep in the family - someone who goes off and does wild and crazy things to rebel against the authority of his/her parents.  And because people have this misconceived idea they tend to think they are okay and don’t need to change.

When I was teaching in VA, I carpooled with some other ladies from WV.  I remember conversations we had in particular that dealt with Church and Heaven.  One of the young ladies said countless times, “If our principal, who is a Christian, can make it into Heaven, certainly God won’t keep me out.” (She didn’t care for the principal).  She also said, “I enjoy going to church and God knows I am a good person.  Therefore, I don’t think He’ll keep me out of Heaven because I’m living with and having relations with a man who’s not my husband.  Those sins aren’t going to keep me out of Heaven.”

You might be thinking I’m making this up to prove my point.  But I’m not.  I’m not exaggerating anything.

She really believed that she could have the best of both worlds.  She believed that God overlooks the small sins, not the big ones like murder and stealing, just as long as the small sins don’t hurt others.  She truly believed she was not a prodigal - she didn’t hurt anyone – “she wasn’t a prostitute strung out on drugs and alcohol.”

But the definition of a prodigal is not based upon human standards and comparisons, but rather upon God’s.  And when we look at ourselves in God’s mirror, we really should see that we are all prodigals – any sin, big or small, makes us a prodigal.  You and I are the “prodigal” until we return home – for good.

But the good news for any prodigal:  God is the Father in this story.  God is the father who anxiously awaits – who is looking out the window everyday – to see if His prodigal child is returning.  God is the father whose heart aches as He knows His child is living loosely and wasting years.  God is the father who goes running to his child upon return.

Other god’s are angry and damning – a person can never live up to the expectations set by them.  But God, the Real God, the Father of Jesus, the Father of all whom return to Him, is a loving God who welcomes home anyone who comes to his/her senses.

The Real God is not in the “gotcha” business.  No, He’s in the “running to meet you with open arms” business, the “wrap His arms around you and greet you with a kiss” business, the “compassion, love, and mercy” business.

But there is one thing about this Real God, He doesn’t force anyone to return to Him.  He blesses you (knowing you will squander it) and sends you on your way with everything you need to survive on your own.  Yet, despite wasting His money, His property, and His resources, He still welcomes you Home like nothing ever happened.  He still welcomes you home when you come to your senses and say, “Dad, I messed up, and I’m willing to accept what you want me to do.  I’m willing to accept your risen Son as my salvation.  I’m willing to be your servant.”

What a glorious day that is for God when a prodigal realizes, “I’m better off with Dad.”